I did have a book with me, but after two days of no yarn I started to see the effects of withdrawal. So I told the Tom-Tom (GPS) to take me to the closest Wal-mart. I then made a bee line (why it is called that I don't know. Have you ever know a bee to fly in a straight line?) back to the craft section. Most of the yarn was acrylic, but you take what you can get. I wondered what I should make. I wanted something simple, that I could do while watching TV or talking with my friends. A scarf was out, I have to many of then already. Also I wanted something that I could do without a color change, I didn't want to carry around multiple colors of yarn. Then I remembered a pattern that I had seen online that I wanted to try. So I grabbed a couple of skeins of Red Heart, in a variegated color called cherry chip, and the longest circular needle that they had.
Back at the house I found and printed out the patten, borrowed a measuring tape, worked a little math and cast on. I cast on a quickly as I could, desperate to feel the yarn flowing through my fingers and the swish-click of the needles. I crammed a bazillion stitches onto a needle that needed to be 6 in' longer. However, the only shaping in the pattern a was a series of decreases, it would get smaller as I worked.
About a 2 weeks later, and with an additional skien and a half into it I realize that this is not looking right. It was taking way to much yarn and not decreasing fast enough. So I double checked the gage. What I thought was 5.25 stretched itself out to be 3.75. That's what I get for not taking the time to do a proper gage swatch. So I frog the whole thing,(for those of you not familiar with knitting lingo, frogging is when you "rippit rippit" out, opposed to tinking, which is to unknit each stitch) take all my measurements again, and start over. Eventually I get this.
Can you guess what it is?
I'll give you three guess'.
No is not a dog bed, Charlie is just the model.
No...try again.
It's a vest!
Now I have two extra balls of this yarn. I think that I will make fingerless gloves to go with the vest.