
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mock Disaster At WGTC

Wow, so it's March already. Winter quarter will be done on the 16th. My last class is on Tuesday. Then yeah for spring break.

For fall quarter I'm signed up to take SCT 100 (intro to micro-computers) and BIO 2113(anatomy and physiology). BIO is a tricky class, so I hear from my other class mates. It has already given me trouble and I'm not even taking it yet. I was getting mixed answers as to if it had a pre-req of English (which I have not taken yet) or not. My class mates said yes, but the course catalog said no and my adviser said no, and I have the e-mail, so if someone gives me grief about it I'll...make a fuss.

On February the 25th WGTC staged a mock disaster in the welding room for the EMT class to practice with. Several classes got together to pull it off. The EMTs and First Responders class did what they do. My AHS, as a health care class, was asked to help play patients and ER workers. Several other classes and individuals also helped, including kids from the high-school (a couple of whom I knew as class mates of my siblings) who take classes at the college. The Cosmetology class did most of the make up for the patients.

I played one of the patients. My description was "head wound, ashy, diaphoretic(sweaty due to shock) and confused" They really did a great job with the make-up, it all looked very life like. There was a guy next to me who was being made-up to have a spurting leg wound. They put bits of tin foil in with the make-up to look like shrapnel. We changed into clothes that we could rip or burn as if in a real explosion, or in my case pour fake blood all over. (just so that we are clear, this is all acting, no one got hurt).

I got there early, which was a good thing to because it was crazy, checked in with my teacher and went to Cosmetology to get made-up. They used a latex base and make-up to make me look like I had a head wound and powder to make me very pale, then poured about half a bottle of that fake Halloween blood down my face, onto my shirt and into my hair. (a CD is supposedly in the making with pictures. I will try to get one so that I can show you)

Then I headed off to the Welding room where the explosion was to be staged. They had turned over some of the big steel tables in there, and filled to place with smoke from a smoke machine. (the smoke was made from sugar, and was harmless to breath) It was so thick in there sometimes that I couldn't see 6 feet in front of me. We got some coaching on our part to play and staked out a spot to wait for things to get started.

The worst part was that the shirt that I grabbed from the pile was sleeveless and I was laying on a concrete floor. It was quite cold. It was hard to keep a straight face sometimes, especially when one of the patient who had minor cuts and bruises, was really into it. She was screaming about how she needed to go to the hospital but wouldn't move until she got a wheelchair, and about how she needed oxygen, and dang it, her purse was still in the welding room, really freaking out, it was great. Because we knew it was fake it was quite funny. I'm sure EMTs have to deal with that kind of stuff, and thats why we where doing this whole thing.

When everyone was ready the EMTs came in and began to triage everyone. We all played our parts well for the most part. We began to cry out as if in pain or confusion. I was put on a backboard and carried out of the room and lined up in the hallway where a couple of the EMTs came along to "treat" us. Then I was placed on a stretcher to be moved to the ambulance, and taken to the "hospital"(my health classroom). After a bit of confusion because the stretchers they had were old ones used for training and did not lock into the ambulance, a bit of brute force with about 4 or 5 people to lift the whole thing into the ambulance, and a very bumpy ride, I made it to the "hospital". I was then shifted to a bed, treated and sent home.

I then found my clothes, got the worst of the blood off my face and dashed off to my other class that I was already very late for, where I unintentionally succeeded in worrying the girl who sits across from me. I still looked pretty bad. She thought I had been in a car accident until she remembered the mock disaster going on, and asked if that was where I had been.

It was all great fun. Pictures to come later I hope.

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