In our new house we have a very nice patio out back, so Mom and I decided to plant a garden out there so we could grow our own peppers and tomatoes and anything else that would grow well in a pot or bucket.
You will have to forgive this mash of pictures, I have yet to figure out how to get them in here the way I want.
The first one that looks like and green spiky alien from the planet whosawhat is an onion that we found in the bin that had a good strong sprout on it that looked like it needed planting, and seems to be doing very well.
The little gray- green bush in the little blue-green pot is lavender.
Next there is the blue rubber maid which has sweet basil, one of my favorite herbs and parsley for my parakeets.
Then there is a bit of mint. It is growing very slowly but hopefully we will have enough to make some mint ice tea when the weather is really hot.
In the 10 gal white buckets are two pepper plants (left) a yellow pear tomato in the middle, then a patio style tomato on the right.