For a couple of years now I have been collection pop tabs. For no particular reason. You know the kind that come off the top of soda cans. I had no idea what to do with the things until the family went to see the Coke museum in Atlanta. Poking around in the gift shop afterwards I saw several purses made out of these pop tabs. An ingenious idea if you ask me. I had never seen the like before. So I took a look at the price tag, bad idea. They ran from $40 to $70. No way am I going to pay that much for something that I can make myself with a little bit of work. I even had all the tabs I would need.
So I take some of this.

A little bit of fidiling gets me this.

Sew it together and I get that.

A little more and I get a wonderful birthday gift for Naomi. Ta Da.
That is very cool and creative!
That's way cool. Is it lined? How long did it take you to make it?
No, it's not lined. I was planing on lining it but I was running out of time and just didn't want to mess with it. I can line it later if that is what Naomi wants. I originally planed it for a Christmass present, but it didn't get done. The work went surprisingly quickly when I actually got some time to work on it.
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