Me in my garden. Can you see me? There is mint, lemon balm (which I just found an ant's nest in, have to do somthing about that), eggplant, sweet peppers, watermelon, tomatoes, 2 different kinds of squash, cucumbers, rosemary, dahlias, freesia, a pink lily and gladiolus. I'm not so sure how the larger flowers will do in the pots but we will see.
Charlie in the garden. We were trying to get a picture of him looking at the camera, but for some reason he aparently thought I was about to beat him. Eggplant.
Some starts that are growing under the porch (I know it's a fragment, my English instructor would be appalled, and look, there's a contraction too. Hahahahhahahahahah. Ok sorry, I'm better now). There are marigolds, some other pink flower thing, acorn squash, basil and lots of radishes. I also have more marigolds, sweet williams, green onions, morning glories, forget-me-nots, more basil, straw flowers, tea roses (from last year) and all the left over white lilies from the church's Easter decorations on top of the porch.
I'm out of the large buckets that I had, so I have been using cans or peanut butter jars and such to make planters. The next time I go to Kroger I will have to see if they have anymore empty icing buckets (the big white ones). I got all the black ones you see from the floral department.
Under the porch is where my garden's fairy godtoad lives. His name is Philip B. Hoppytoad. (B. is for Brown 'cause he is a brown hoppytoad.)
just from our experience, watermelon doesn't grow well in a potted environment. They need lots of room. After many attempts to revitalize the one we had in a pot it died! We were very sad, the only watermelon that grew were 3 little tiny things, the largest being the size of a golf ball.
Well the watermellon I have is a small one anyway. At full grown it is just a little smaller that a cantilope. Hopefuly it will grow a little better in a smaller space.
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