
Friday, July 18, 2008

My Day at Work

So most of you know that I work at kroger (a grocery store in the same chain as Fred Myer) What you my not know is what I do.
I work in the bakery bagging bread. (bread bagger just sounds so official and grand)

A normal work day for me starts a 6:30 when I have to get up to be at work by 8:00.

8:00 am. Start by clocking in and washing up, putting on a hair net and apron. First I bag and tag the "you bake its" (the par-baked breads that you take home to finish the baking process) that the baker has set out for me, and I slice some of yesterdays bread. Slicing bread is one of my least favorite parts of the job, mostly because it just take so long, and I have to move back and forth between two different tables, and you want the bread completely cool (not an issue with yesterdays bread) before you slice it or it will be mashed by the slicer and make a mess. I usually have a full cart by then so I take it out to the selves.

9:30am I bag the hot French bread, then take that out to. The artisan breads come next. Along with the sourdough bread (that has to be sliced too).

10:30am I start on the majority of the bread. The sandwich buns and the hoggie rolls, hot dog buns, sweet Italian subs and Italian bread. Sandwich breads that also have to be sliced. Croissants and cheese sticks, etc. They all have to be bagged in 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12 and tagged and put out on the selves.

12:30 I start on the sweets. Pies, cinnamon rolls, turnovers, bear claws and more.

2:00 Break

2:30 Date and price pre-packs, slice cake and make garlic bread.

3:30 Clean up. Wipe down table, clean out slicer, sweep floors.

4:00 Go home.

The times vary of course, different things go out on different days and it depends on how busy the day is.

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