This is the vest I knit for my Grandad for christmass. He liked it very much. I spent a good part of christmass eve frantically trying to sew it together and crochet the edge on the neck and arm holes.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Grandads Vest
This is the vest I knit for my Grandad for christmass. He liked it very much. I spent a good part of christmass eve frantically trying to sew it together and crochet the edge on the neck and arm holes.
Christmass Eve Sugar Cookie Party
Hanging out on the couch
Just us girls hanging out on the couch.
Abby and Naomi cutting cookies.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wisdom Teeth
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
A New Computer
I have made my first investment with the money I earned with my first job. (My parents generously offered to pay half, even so it was a pretty penny) A laptop computer. I figure with my going of to collage in the sometime near future it would be a good thing to have.
At first I bought a Gateway just like the one that my Dad has. I talked to a friend to see if he would optimize it for me, and he suggested that I not get a Gateway, that I would be better off to go with an HP, or an Accer. Sense I had not opened the box I returned the Gateway and ended up with this Dell. So far I have been very pleased with it.
Even though I don't technically need a computer to study, I have all the books, it is still much easier to be able to look up something if I need clarification, and with my own laptop I can do that from home or go down to the library or coffee shop for a change of scenery.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I Told You So
Now it Was Not His Fault. He was rear ended when waiting to turn into our housing division. Everyone is OK. The van is not.
I was out front giving the shrubs a hair cut when Naomi comes dashing down the street towards the house with a look of panic on her face calling for Mom. They we're in an accident and everyone was OK. We rushed down there. Naomi had been sent to get Mom because they did not have a working cell with them and Jon-Paul being the driver could not leave the car.
So sometime in the near future we will be getting ourselves a new fuel efficient car.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Warning, teenage drivers
Friday, September 26, 2008
Garden Greens
Happy (Late) Birthday
Jon-Paul's birthday was on the 11th. Happy Birthday. This is the jacket that I made for him. It is suede that I got at OHCO (a fabric store that sometimes sells fabric by the pound insted of the yard) for a VERY good price. The jacket is a little bit big (I was unsure exactly how the pattern would compare, and I figured to big is better than to small) but that just leaves room for a sweater underneath when the cold really sets in.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
More Bugs
One morning, we wake up to find an army of ants trooping through our kitchen. One platoon marching all the way around the kitchen ceiling (what they wanted on the ceiling only they know) and another making a bee line (or maybe it was an ant line) for the raisin bran. Jon-Paul tracked this line down and found that another had beat him to it. We then commenced to remove this hunter and attempted to move the hunted out of our house.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mosey Continued
This is my latest finished protect.
This is not the best angle, but it is not easy to take a picture of yourself.
They turned out very well, except for the fact that they are both right legs, so the ties are both on the same side. An easy fix with a little engineering and some brute force.
Bruce loves the pom-poms
This is my first try with cables. Up next, felting.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
This is my 2ed to latest finished project. Sorry about the quality, the camera's auto focus does not always work very well.
It's a pretty simple white dress in and of itself. But I put buttons at the points where the straps would attach so that the straps are completely interchangeable, and I can criss-cross them in almost any direction that does not manage to choke me.
The Lace Cap that I made was originally meant to go with this dress.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Lace Cap
Birthday Gifts
So my birthday was a little short on gifts. Mostly because I had to work that week and there was just not time to take me shopping. So what I got was a bag of chocolate kisses and a check for $50.
This is what I spent the check on.
Most of the yarn was on the summer sale on Webs.
The orange bulky wool (looks red in the picture but its actually a burnt orange) I plan on trying my hand at a pair of felted slippers.
The Eden bamboo I was planing on making a couple of shrugs with, but I misjudged the amount of yarn in each ball. You can't do the same thing with 50 grams of bamboo that you can with 50 grams of lace weight wool.
I was given a pattern by a good friend of mine for a graduation gift and I have been looking for the perfect yarn to make it with. This is what I found, and I hope that I got enough. Hopefully if I have to get more it will be okay if I don't have the same dye lot because the yarn is already variegated.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Last Storyteller
This is the summary on the back.
Taite Abbot has always been a free spirit, and she has the tattoos and piercings to prove it. So when her boyfriend, medical student Sam Wellington, leaves for a fellowship thousands of miles away before he knows she is pregnant, Taite is unwilling to destroy his chance of becoming a doctor. Completely unprepared to face parenthood alone, she decided to get an abortion. But without any emotional or financial resources, Taite first seeks solace from her Welsh grandmother, Naini.
From the moment the disillusioned young woman arrives, Naini knows that time is running out, both for Taite and for herself. The aging woman must make her granddaughter understand the heart and soul of their family's ancient legacy. But for Taite to discover the passion and faith that com keep love alive, Naini must tell the hard stories, one last time.
Interweaving a medieval adventure with the dilemmas of contemporary romance, The Last Storyteller draws ancient grace into modern lives through the powerful telling of stories.
Totally awesome, Check it out.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
2008 ICCEC International Convocation
Naomi and I spent most of our time with the Benei Aor. A dance an drama team from Brazil and Alabama. We learned a dance called Flames that we performed in the Thursday night service. Special thanks to Gabriella who cut into her free time to give me some extra help with the choreography.
On Friday we (we being the Benei Aor and any other youth that wanted to come, I think that it came to a total of 150 youth) went to a YMCA and the Benei Aor performed there also. The Brazil team had a few dances and a drama called "don't touch". (Much to the delight of one of the girls at the Y who is from Brazil her self) The US team also performed some dances that they had worked on, and then both teams and the kids from the convocation who had joined them performed Flames together.
We went from there to protest at an abortion clinic. (carefully keeping within our rights to a peaceful protest) We did the liturgy for the unborn.
The most amazing part of the whole day was when the Benei Aor started their dance called Father of Life. We were at the clinic and it was a very hot day, only about half of us had any shade, it was getting rough on some of the younger kids. After the liturgy the Benei Aor started dancing...
Father of life draw me closer
Lord, my heart is set on you
Let me run the race of time
With you life unfolding mine
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit Lord my comfort
Strengthen me hold my head up high
And I stand upon your truth
Bringing glory unto you
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Lord I hunger for more of you
Rise up within me let me know your truth
Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my soul
And let the life of God
Fill me now
Let your healing power
Breathe life and make me whole
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit Lord my comfort
Strengthen me hold my head up high
And I stand upon your truth
Bringing glory unto you
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
(Repeat chorus twice)
And let the life of God
Fill me now
Let your healing power
Breathe life and make me whole
And the peace of God
Let it reign
We did not have a very reliable camera and with each of us usually being in a different place it was difficult to get very many pictures of all of us. I don't even know what we did get yet (I should go track them down). But there were lots of others taking pictures and many of them have been posted on the ICCEC website.
Some of the sermons and speeches have been recorded and you can listen to them here.
Our newest priest and chaplain received his orders while at the convocation and was able to have Dad swear him in as a First Lieutenant at the Friday night service, the stories are here and here.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
For the Glory of God
Anyhow Greg Stier has a blog that I read regularly, as you can see to your right. I really like his latest post. It's about his friend Art. Check it out.
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Day at Work
I work in the bakery bagging bread. (bread bagger just sounds so official and grand)
A normal work day for me starts a 6:30 when I have to get up to be at work by 8:00.
8:00 am. Start by clocking in and washing up, putting on a hair net and apron. First I bag and tag the "you bake its" (the par-baked breads that you take home to finish the baking process) that the baker has set out for me, and I slice some of yesterdays bread. Slicing bread is one of my least favorite parts of the job, mostly because it just take so long, and I have to move back and forth between two different tables, and you want the bread completely cool (not an issue with yesterdays bread) before you slice it or it will be mashed by the slicer and make a mess. I usually have a full cart by then so I take it out to the selves.
9:30am I bag the hot French bread, then take that out to. The artisan breads come next. Along with the sourdough bread (that has to be sliced too).
10:30am I start on the majority of the bread. The sandwich buns and the hoggie rolls, hot dog buns, sweet Italian subs and Italian bread. Sandwich breads that also have to be sliced. Croissants and cheese sticks, etc. They all have to be bagged in 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12 and tagged and put out on the selves.
12:30 I start on the sweets. Pies, cinnamon rolls, turnovers, bear claws and more.
2:00 Break
2:30 Date and price pre-packs, slice cake and make garlic bread.
3:30 Clean up. Wipe down table, clean out slicer, sweep floors.
4:00 Go home.
The times vary of course, different things go out on different days and it depends on how busy the day is.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to me
Today is my birthday, if you did not guess that already. I am 19 years old today.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
More Sewing Progects
We found that the larger of the pots on our porch have been trapping water under them, and starting to rot out the wood. So we (by we I mean Mom did all the work) had to rearrange them and put racks under them to lift them off the wood. It has also made it much easer to water them and looks much nicer.
An empty nest
Friday, July 4, 2008
The 4th of July
I had to work today. I got up a 4:50am to get to work by 6:00am. (I normally start work at 8:00) There was a parade of golf carts around 9:00 (people drive golf carts in Peachtree city Ga like small cars. There are special trails for them and you can drive them alone with only a permit. So parents use them to send their kids out on errands) with the golf carts all decked out in red, white and blue. After that things got crazy in the store. We where dashing about trying to keep the tables stocked.
The good news is that I got to go home at 2:00pm. With plenty of time to get ready to make a nice dinner for the 4th.
Mom and Naomi are in Utah for my aunts wedding today. So its just Dad, Jon-Paul and me. I am going to make a cake and will get Jon-Paul to grill some burgers.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Yellow Tomatoes
Friday, June 20, 2008
Subscriber Box II
(I just had to use that word, its so cool)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tomatos and Peppers
And lots of green tomatoes. To bad that they are still green. There is a big scare over some salmonella outbreaks that trace back to tomatoes, so all of the restaurants and stores are no longer selling some kinds of tomatoes and there not selling any sandwiches or anything with raw tomatoes on it.
Then we have some mixed salad greens that I just transplanted. Hopefully they will grow.
Sunny Side Up.
Anyway this leads to stray sunflower seeds all over. Which leads to stray sunflowers.
The two by the door grew very big.
The others fell into the pots and have to share with another plant are much smaller but still very yellow.