Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Pop Tab Prom
It started out with a trip the the Georgia Coca-Cola museum. After spending the day wandering through the place we ended with a trip through the gift shop. They position the gift shop so that you have to go through it to get out. Anyway, in the shop I spotted a really cool purse that had been made with soda can pop tabs, which had been crochet together. I thought that it was a really cool idea, and a fun way to recycle. Until I saw the price tag. $80! For a 5" by 8" purse! It was cool, but not that cool. So I said "ha, forget this. I can make it my self".
So after months of collecting and recruiting my sibling's high school classmates into collecting pop tabs I began to work out how I would make this purse. The result of that was the birthday present presented to Naomi for her 16th birthday. It was quite well received.
Anyway, I started to think about what else can I make with these pop tabs. They are really quite versatile. Well Naomi's prom was coming up and some how the idea formed; "Why not make a dress out of pop tabs? People make prom outfits out of duct tape, why can't I make one out of pop tabs?"
After actually fiddling with that for a while, realizing that that dress would be very heavy, not sure that I had enough pop tabs and not knowing how to design the dress with enough flexibility so the wearer could sit down, I decided on just doing a top. I was going to do a top with the pop tabs and sew a skirt, but Naomi and Mom ended up finding a really beautiful dress at a great price and bought that for the prom. So my top became a corset that went over the dress.
Of course Naomi's date would have to match. Therefore the pop tab tie also developed. I thought about doing a vest but that would take more time that was quickly running out.

I have had a lot of fun with these pop tab designs. I have in the workings now a belly dancing belt and top made of pop tabs. Someday I may even get around to making that whole pop tab dress. I have entered this photo into my colleges yearly creative magazine. With a little bit of luck it will get published.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 30, 2010
Wednesday afternoon I spent with my friends just hanging out and playing with the kids. That evening after the kiddos went to bed, we watched Robin Hood and I balanced chemical equations.
Thursday morning I drove 2 more hours up to Huntsville to see Jon. Unfortunately it was Thanksgiving day so everything was closed and there was nothing for us to do but sit in the car and talk. Good thing I brought my knitting. Then we went to lunch with some of Jon's crew. After which I headed back to Chelsea, ('cause there was nothing for us to do on post) and had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with my hosts.
Friday afternoon I drove up to see Jon again, and hung out in the rec center watching videos and eating pizza.
Saturday morning another friend of mine was able to come over and have lunch with us. I was glad to get a chance to see him, as we where both very busy that week end. Afterwards I headed back home.
I finally got around to getting my flu shot yesterday. It's actually the first one I have ever had. I was on my down the driveway on my way to the CVS for my appointment, and thinking about possibly getting a new color of lipstick that I had been contemplating for a while. I was not sure I wanted to spend $8 on a new color that might end up looking terrible. However, I had was getting a few extra hours at the church sitting for the new bible study so I had a little bit of extra cash.
When it suddenly hit me that "OMG extra hours! This is Monday! I'm supposed to be at the church in 25 minuets!" Which is about how long it takes to get there if you don't run into 5:00pm rush hour traffic. So I called back home, and told them that I would be later than expected, and to please call and tell the pharmacy that I would not make it at 6. I managed to make it only 3 minuets late.
I was thankfully able to do a walk-in and get my immunization on the way back home.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Turkeys, Airzookas, and Grades...Oh My.

Chem is not half so hard as I thought it would be, and I have made a couple of friends in that class. I have a 96.(?>5) (something bigger than 5). I just found out that a test I thought was going to be on Monday of next week is going to be on Wednesday. Which only gives me one day to cram. Ugg. I hate cramming by the way.
Psychology and I have a love-hate relationship. I think I'm still pulling an over all A (the grading chart is kinda messed up), but I have made several B's on some of my quizes. The big paper is due this sunday. The paper alone is worth 15% of the grade so it's a make it or break it as far as getting an A goes.
I'm hoping to get lots done this weekend so I won't have much to worry about next weekend. I have that Wednesday off, essentially giving me a 4 day weekend. I'm going to drive over to AL to see Jon for Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fall Quarter
In psychology I have a large paper to write. I chose to do it on alcohol addiction. I'm not sure exactly what I will cover in it, I will work with it and see what I get. The hardest part of writing papers for me is the research. I spend so much time looking up and sorting information that I don't get much on paper very fast and it seems like I get nothing done. It is an interesting subject but a frustrating class.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Summer Quarter
Fall quarter starts on Sep 29. We have a rather short brake. For fall I will be taking CHM I and PYC 1101(online). I have to drive about an hour twice a week to get to my chem class. It was only offered at the one campus and I have to have it before I can apply to my program. It is the last one I need.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
PFC Jonathan P. Landon
The graduation was a logistical nightmare but it was good to see Jon again. He is now in Huntsville AL for most of his 10 months of EOD training.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Aug 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
Blood Types
Here is how it works; every one has two parts of their chromosomes (genotype) that decide weather the blood will be + or -. The (big) D is dominant and positive; and the (little) d is negative and recessive. Each person has two that make up a genotype. If someone has positive blood they are either DD (homozygous dominant), or Dd (heterozygous dominant), if they have negative blood it's dd (homozygous recessive). For two positive blood typed people to produce a negative blood type child they have to both be Dd. That would give them a 25% chance of having a negative blood typed child.
So both my parents are Dd. The dominant D makes them both positive Rh, but when I got one from each of them the ones I have are both d's, so I am negative.
---D d
d Dd dd (me)
Red - MomBlue-Dad
Yellow-possible positive child types (75%)
Green - possible negative child types. (25%, me)
ABO Type Rh Type How Many Have It
O positive 37.4% 44%
O negative 6.6%
A positive 35.7% 42%
A negative 6.3%
B positive 8.5% 10%
B negative 1.5%
AB positive 3.4% 4%
AB negative .6%
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Knitting Help
New Car

The Ford that I was driving had begun to have some potentially very serious problems, and I was uncomfortable with it considering the amount of driving that I do, and I will be doing even more if I get into my program. So we went car shoping and found this beauty. A new 2009 Hyundai Accent, that was on sale because they wanted the '09's out of the way for the '11. It's only the 2ed new car that my parents have ever bought. We went with a new one because of the bumper to bumper warranties and road side assistance, so that I (and mom and dad) would not have to worry about me having to deal with a broken down car by my self.
Mom and Dad financed this car for me. Which means that they bought it, and when I get a decent paying job I will begin to take over the car payments. When I have payed the whole thing off, the title will be transferred to me.
President's List for Spring
Monday, May 31, 2010
Belly Dancing
On Sunday a group of us performed in a small dance show with several other dancers of all ages and styles. Mom declined to perform, but I did. Fortunately the whole family was able to come and watch, including Gram and Grandad.
How low can you go? This is not easy to hold for pictures.
This is called the Teapot. I used a white veil for the dance, but the only one I had at home to pose with was pink.
I bought the coin belt a the renaissance fair.
Monday, May 10, 2010
President's List
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2010 Garden
Me in my garden. Can you see me? There is mint, lemon balm (which I just found an ant's nest in, have to do somthing about that), eggplant, sweet peppers, watermelon, tomatoes, 2 different kinds of squash, cucumbers, rosemary, dahlias, freesia, a pink lily and gladiolus. I'm not so sure how the larger flowers will do in the pots but we will see.
Charlie in the garden. We were trying to get a picture of him looking at the camera, but for some reason he aparently thought I was about to beat him. Eggplant.
Some starts that are growing under the porch (I know it's a fragment, my English instructor would be appalled, and look, there's a contraction too. Hahahahhahahahahah. Ok sorry, I'm better now). There are marigolds, some other pink flower thing, acorn squash, basil and lots of radishes. I also have more marigolds, sweet williams, green onions, morning glories, forget-me-nots, more basil, straw flowers, tea roses (from last year) and all the left over white lilies from the church's Easter decorations on top of the porch.
I'm out of the large buckets that I had, so I have been using cans or peanut butter jars and such to make planters. The next time I go to Kroger I will have to see if they have anymore empty icing buckets (the big white ones). I got all the black ones you see from the floral department.
Under the porch is where my garden's fairy godtoad lives. His name is Philip B. Hoppytoad. (B. is for Brown 'cause he is a brown hoppytoad.)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Favorite Crock Pot Recipes
Sweet and Spicy Corned Beef.
3 lb corned beef
1 cup orange marmalade
1/4 cup backed brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup mustard (I like brown)
In a bowl mix marmalade, mustard and sugar. Rinse off the corned beef and put it in the crock pot with just enough water to cover the bottom of the pot. Coat the meat with the marmalade mix, cover and cook on medium for about 5-7 hours or so, or until done. Basting occasionally. Slice and serve.
This is my favorite corned beef recipe. I like it in a sandwich, on toasted lite rye, with pepper jack or muster cheese, and a little mayo. So good. Pair it with some cole slaw and you have corned beef and cabbage without boiling anything.
Crock Pot Lasagna
Make up your lasagna sauce and cheese mix however you normally do.
Some things my family likes in it are
Tofu (if you freeze/then thaw tofu it will crumble just like ground beef)
Cottage cheese
Be sure to spray the crock pot with Pam or whatever oil spray you use, and your first layer needs to be your sauce mix. This keeps it from burning on the bottom. Don't cook your noodles first, just lay them in dry. A little extra sauce is good as this is the moisture that the noodles cook in.
Cook it on medium 'til the noodles are done. Don't over cook it or the noodles will get gummy.
Cranberry Roast
1 Beef Roast
1 pk. dried onion soup mix
1 can cranberry sauce
Rinse and trim the roast, put it in the pot with just enough water to cover the bottom. Mix up the cranberry sauce with the onion soup mix and coat the roast with it. Cover and cook 6-7 hours or until done. Slice and serve.
Pumpkin Pie Pudding
My mom makes this instead of pumpkin pie for thanks giving. She doubles it.
2 cups/15 oz can pumpkin (we use fresh that we have cooked and frozen from carved pumpkins)
12 oz can evaporated milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk baking mix
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tbsp butter, or oil
1 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice
2 tsp vanilla
whipped cream
Sift together dry ingredients and add to wet, mix all together and pour into crock pot. Cook on low 6-7 hours, or until stiff like a custard.
Crock Pot Pork Roast
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mock Disaster At WGTC
For fall quarter I'm signed up to take SCT 100 (intro to micro-computers) and BIO 2113(anatomy and physiology). BIO is a tricky class, so I hear from my other class mates. It has already given me trouble and I'm not even taking it yet. I was getting mixed answers as to if it had a pre-req of English (which I have not taken yet) or not. My class mates said yes, but the course catalog said no and my adviser said no, and I have the e-mail, so if someone gives me grief about it I'll...make a fuss.
On February the 25th WGTC staged a mock disaster in the welding room for the EMT class to practice with. Several classes got together to pull it off. The EMTs and First Responders class did what they do. My AHS, as a health care class, was asked to help play patients and ER workers. Several other classes and individuals also helped, including kids from the high-school (a couple of whom I knew as class mates of my siblings) who take classes at the college. The Cosmetology class did most of the make up for the patients.
I played one of the patients. My description was "head wound, ashy, diaphoretic(sweaty due to shock) and confused" They really did a great job with the make-up, it all looked very life like. There was a guy next to me who was being made-up to have a spurting leg wound. They put bits of tin foil in with the make-up to look like shrapnel. We changed into clothes that we could rip or burn as if in a real explosion, or in my case pour fake blood all over. (just so that we are clear, this is all acting, no one got hurt).
I got there early, which was a good thing to because it was crazy, checked in with my teacher and went to Cosmetology to get made-up. They used a latex base and make-up to make me look like I had a head wound and powder to make me very pale, then poured about half a bottle of that fake Halloween blood down my face, onto my shirt and into my hair. (a CD is supposedly in the making with pictures. I will try to get one so that I can show you)
Then I headed off to the Welding room where the explosion was to be staged. They had turned over some of the big steel tables in there, and filled to place with smoke from a smoke machine. (the smoke was made from sugar, and was harmless to breath) It was so thick in there sometimes that I couldn't see 6 feet in front of me. We got some coaching on our part to play and staked out a spot to wait for things to get started.
The worst part was that the shirt that I grabbed from the pile was sleeveless and I was laying on a concrete floor. It was quite cold. It was hard to keep a straight face sometimes, especially when one of the patient who had minor cuts and bruises, was really into it. She was screaming about how she needed to go to the hospital but wouldn't move until she got a wheelchair, and about how she needed oxygen, and dang it, her purse was still in the welding room, really freaking out, it was great. Because we knew it was fake it was quite funny. I'm sure EMTs have to deal with that kind of stuff, and thats why we where doing this whole thing.
When everyone was ready the EMTs came in and began to triage everyone. We all played our parts well for the most part. We began to cry out as if in pain or confusion. I was put on a backboard and carried out of the room and lined up in the hallway where a couple of the EMTs came along to "treat" us. Then I was placed on a stretcher to be moved to the ambulance, and taken to the "hospital"(my health classroom). After a bit of confusion because the stretchers they had were old ones used for training and did not lock into the ambulance, a bit of brute force with about 4 or 5 people to lift the whole thing into the ambulance, and a very bumpy ride, I made it to the "hospital". I was then shifted to a bed, treated and sent home.
I then found my clothes, got the worst of the blood off my face and dashed off to my other class that I was already very late for, where I unintentionally succeeded in worrying the girl who sits across from me. I still looked pretty bad. She thought I had been in a car accident until she remembered the mock disaster going on, and asked if that was where I had been.
It was all great fun. Pictures to come later I hope.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Branching Out in Alpaca.
The pattern I used is called Branching Out by, it's one I have wanted to try for a while. My Aunt loves gardening so I thought that the leaf pattern would be perfect for her.
The yarn ended up going much further than I expected it to, so I was left with extra to use up. So I started making the least yarn intensive projects I knew how, that being mainly flowers. Flowers going well with the leaves and I, continuing to be left with more yarn that I intended after a project, ended up making several.
Flower Pin